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dc.contributor.advisorNoordstar, J.
dc.contributor.advisorVolman, C.
dc.contributor.authorJong, H.F. de
dc.description.abstractThe Exercise and Self-Esteem Model (EXSEM) is used as a theoretical framework to describe associations between physical activity and global self-esteem, mediated by perceived physical appearance. Little is known about these associations in elementary school children. We therefore examined associations between physical activity, global self-esteem and perceived physical appearance in children from grade 4 to grade 8. We also investigated if these associations were different for boys and girls, and for children with a normal weight and children with overweight. The current study is a cross sequential study. Physical activity was measured with a self-developed questionnaire based on the Modifiable Activity Questionnaire (MAQ), while global self-esteem and perceived physical appearance were measured with the Self-Perception Profile for Children (SPPC) (n = 147; 77 boys). Associations were investigated with the Spearmen Test. Differences in associations were investigated with the Fisher Test. There was a significant association between physical activity, global self-esteem and perceived physical appearance. No sex differences were found for global self-esteem, but boys were more physically active and reported a higher level of perceived physical appearance than girls. Children with a normal weight were more physically active than children with overweight. No differences were found for global self-esteem and perceived physical appearance. Associations were not significant different for boys and girls and children with and without overweight. Associations were found as expected by the EXSEM.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.titleSamenhang tussen fysieke activiteit, globaal zelfbeeld en zelfbeeld over fysieke verschijning bij kinderen in het basisonderwijs.
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsEXSEM, physical activity, global self-esteem, perceived physical appearance, elementary school
dc.subject.courseuuClinical Child, Family and Education Studies

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