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dc.contributor.advisorFriendly, Dr. A.
dc.contributor.authorErdoğan, E.
dc.description.abstractAs Utrecht is becoming a more and more appealing place to live in for native and foreign households, its population is growing rapidly. With its large offer to higher education, the city is also attracting an increasing number of students. Together, these phenomena have spatial and social causes and consequences. This research therefore examines the following central question: “What is the current situation of student housing affordability in Utrecht and what are students’ lived experiences?”. By applying the research methods of expert interviews and questionnaire surveys amongst students, two aspects were presented. Firstly, the current situation of student housing is that it is becoming too expensive and that there is shortage. Underlying this, the two factors are reinforcing each other as gentrification covers both. It has thereby pointed out as an urgency that the city has to expand university campuses. Secondly, students are facing challenges regarding finding permanent housing during their studies. They face difficulties affording their housing if they do not live with their parents, regardless of their socioeconomic family background. Unfortunately, the number of respondents for the survey is too little to draw conclusions for the entire student population. In addition, further research has to have a broader reach, entailing more profound and detailed questions. Then, students’ lived experiences can be understood more broadly which will complete the image of the problem.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.titleThe "Studentifying' process in housing (un)affordability: a case study of student housing access and students' lived experiences in Utrecht
dc.type.contentBachelor Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.courseuuLiberal Arts and Sciences

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