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dc.contributor.advisorOtsuki, Dr. Kei
dc.contributor.authorSanderson, T.O.
dc.description.abstractIn three decades, the açaí berry moved from providing sustenance for rural communities to an international superfood. This shift in demand, alongside increased pressure on the timber industry & land-use restrictions, resulted in the Amazonia region committing their livelihoods to açaí. This research sought to understand how this increased focused influenced the agroecosystem resilience of communities in Curralinho, Pará, Brazil. To gain insight into the influence of the intensification of açaí it was necessary to understand the difference between the different typologies of communities, which includes communities that work independently and those that work directly with a grassroots organization. This research concluded that the presence of a grassroots organization could have a positive influence on the agroecosystem resilience of communities in this context; depending on the processes developed and the way that grassroots organizations implement procedures.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.titleGrassroots Organizations; A Potential Solution to Natures Complex Gift: Insight into the Influence of the Intensification of Açaí on the Agroecosystem Resilience of Communities in Curralinho, Pará, Brazil
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsaçaí, agroecosystem, resilience, non-timber forest products, Amazon, Brazil
dc.subject.courseuuInternational Development Studies

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