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dc.contributor.advisorBaar, P.
dc.contributor.advisorRood, R. van 't
dc.contributor.authorHogenhout, A.M.
dc.description.abstractParental involvement (PI) is considered an indicator of children’s success in education. It has benefits for schools, teachers, and local communities. In the Indian Boudh district, such practices are uncommon. The local Youth Council for Development Alternatives (YCDA) cooperates with the Dutch organization Edukans, to increase educational quality and stimulate PI in the district. However, little is known on the perceptions and practices of local stakeholders towards PI. For this research, interviews were held with parents and teachers of primary schools and analysed qualitatively. The results indicate that participants consider PI to be important and that there are already PI initiatives at schools. Nevertheless, parents’ and teachers’ perceptions of their own and the other party’s contribution to PI differs. This research underlines the need to bring together both parties and find common ground between them. Several implications for Edukans and the YCDA are provided, focussing on strengthening PI in the district by using cultural sensitive methods and a community-based approach.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.titleParental Involvement in Indian Education
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsparental involvement; primary education; India; Edukans; YCDA
dc.subject.courseuuYouth, Education and Society

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