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dc.contributor.advisorprof. dr. J.T. (Johan) Jeuring, dr. S.A. (Sergey) Sosnovsky
dc.contributor.authorOerlemans, T.S.
dc.description.abstractThis project investigates whether or not context-adaptive notification timing can improve responsiveness to notifications in a mobile language learning app. The app developed for this project has been created to send notifications that contain built-in quizzes. The goal is to provide users with a low-threshold form of learning that is adaptively initiated by the system. The app uses eight independent contextual variables, such as location and time, to make the system context-aware. We compared 30 users using a context-adaptive notification management model to 28 users using a context-unadaptive notification management model over a period of 11 days. We have found that users of the context-adaptive model respond significantly more often to notifications as opposed to the users using the context-unadaptive model.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.titleContext-Adaptive Notification Management in Mobile Language Learning
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsContext-Adaptive Notification Management; Mobile language learning; Context-Adaptive Notification Timing
dc.subject.courseuuArtificial Intelligence

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