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dc.contributor.advisorVan de Hemel, Ernst
dc.contributor.authorRouhof, L.D.
dc.description.abstractAnti-AZC protest performances communicate a rejection of an (potential) AZC within a particular geographical area. It is the case, however, that these performances cover more than a territorial struggle. With the use of spatial theory the Gansstraat demonstration, a collaboration between a local anti-AZC movement and a national political party based on anti-migration sentiments, is understood as a contestation where the perceived spatial homogeneity is threatened by a change of representation to the particular locality of Sterrenwijk in Utrecht. It appears that a perception of the migrant other contributes to a desire to secure the territorial boundaries of a social homogeneity, particularly as multiple anti-AZC protests are performed in Islamophobic rhetoric. This is also the case with the Gansstraat demonstration.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.titleThe Gansstraat demonstration: The location of the islamic migrant other at a spacial contesting performance.
dc.type.contentBachelor Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsIslam, Spatiality, Spatial performance, Migrant other, Demostration, AZC, Anti-AZC movements, Islamophobia
dc.subject.courseuuIslam en Arabisch

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