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dc.contributor.advisorRaven, D.
dc.contributor.authorAmanatidi, M.
dc.description.abstract"Every so often the media across the globe bring out the realm of Anarchy, and its imminent mobilizations from people of the movement, as the modern scapegoat for all that goes wrong in the world. Unlike to the origins of this biblical parable, as a bloody purification for the sins of the world, I wish to speak for a personal conviction of the whole Anarchic Tune. The feeling of unrest that lies in my stomach was the reason for which I attempted to write a thesis on Anarchy. Based on a bipolar approach on the way of being, I wanted to both philosophically and practically try and speak for the dynamic interplay of things. My decision to write a thesis on Anarchy was aforehand a contradictory idea. The institutionalized notion of academic knowledge and speech juxtaposes the unconventionality for which I want to speak. The intense political hue of the language and the transcendental manner of its use often exceeded the acceptable academic formula and put me in troubles. Sentimentalism too, often enough drove me outside the expected and wishful outlines and made my writing seem more like a manifesto instead of a proper scientific paper. However, Anthropology creates exactly that space of legitimacy for emotional, sensorial and unconventional ways of speaking accompanied with multifarious sources and well argued personal insights. An interdisciplinary approach on how to restructure the world, decolonize my mind, question for the sustainability not only on environmental but also social, political and economical basis, inspired me to embark on a journey in Anarchy. As my dear friend, Linda, once said: ''Anthropology teaches us to legitimize people's own meaning-making devices and it opens up the space to humanize thoughts and theories''. Therefore, I will now prologue the making of my thesis and explain the device with which Anarchy incarnates from theory to materiality on this essay. ''It may be that an anthropology of anarchy is an anarchist anthropology, or will fuel an anarchist project, but I am not sure of that.'' (Macdonald 2009:73)"
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.titleAnarchy. An Embodied Ethography of Possibilities and Limitations. "Mystique of a Hive"
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsanarchy; intersensoriality; polycentrism; bio-culture
dc.subject.courseuuCultural Anthropology: Sustainable Citizenship

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