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dc.contributor.advisorTuin, I. van der
dc.contributor.authorMierlo, T.C.G.M. van
dc.description.abstractIt seems that the presence of oil in the Niger Delta has not led to the wealth and prosperity one might expect, but instead to a situation of instability. Therefore, this research will revolve around the paradoxical question: What role does oil assume in the stability of Nigeria, and to what extent? The role of oil comprises different components entrenched within the local, national and international scopes in which a wide range of stakeholders are involved. To attain a more comprehensive understanding of this complex question, it is of importance to gain knowledge from different disciplines that need to be integrated to achieve this. In this thesis, three disciplines will delve into the Nigerian oil issue: Economics (EC), Environmental Studies & Social Geography (ESSG) and Conflict Studies (CS). Each discipline will elaborate on its own definition of stability and will describe the relationship of this stability to oil in Nigeria and the Niger Delta.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.titleThe Paradox of Oil: How Oil causes Instability: the case of Nigeria
dc.type.contentBachelor Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsNigeria; oil; instability; conflict; volatility; hegemonic alliance; Dutch Disease; corruption; rent-seeking behavior; greed; grievance; weak state; state repression; degraded human wellbeing; marginalisation
dc.subject.courseuuLiberal Arts and Sciences

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