dc.description.abstract | In this thesis we theoretically investigate the close relation between spin chains and Yangians. First, we investigate the Haldane-Shastry model, which symmetry algebra is a representation of the Yangian. We show this in full detail for the spin-1/2 model. We also give an argument why a spin-1 chain with Yangian symmetry cannot exist.
After that, we turn to integrable spin chains which are constructed using the quantum inverse scattering method. Using this method, an integrable spin chain can be constructed from each so called R-matrix, which is a solution of the Yang-Baxter equation. Our main result is the construction of an R-matrix that is invariant under the adjoint representation of SU(n), which is found using an intertwining operator for the corresponding Yangian representation. The integrable
spin chain that corresponds to this R-matrix is non-Hermitian, making its physical interpretation unclear. These results have been published recently as a preprint under arXiv:1606.02516.
Finally, integrable spin chains with defects are studied. We present the Hamiltonian for the Heisenberg model and the Babujian-Takhtajan model with defects, such that these models keep there integrability while staying Lie algebra invariant. | |