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dc.contributor.advisorSebregts, Koen
dc.contributor.authorBakermans, M.A.
dc.description.abstractIn the last few decades an increasing number of Dutch actors were featured in English-language films. This phenomenon appears to go hand in hand with an increase in how native-like these actors sound speaking English. This study investigates whether the level of success at producing a native-like English accent by the Dutch actors influences their success in the English-language American film world. Literary research suggests that natives have negative attitudes towards foreign-accented English. The correlation between the success in the English-language film world and the attainment of a native-like English has been calculated for seven Dutch actors with varying levels of success in the English-language film world and varying degrees of attainment of an English target accent. To do so a survey was sent to 49 American respondents, who were requested to evaluate the accents of nine speakers. Seven of these were the Dutch actors and two were native speakers of a non-standard variety, added as a control group. The survey contained audio clips of each actor and a question about if he sounded native and if not, the respondent had to indicate on a 8-point-Likert scale how obvious and how annoying that was to him. Two hierarchies were made of the results and a comparison between the two showed a slight similarity in the order of which actors were the most successful in the English-language film world and in producing a native-like accent, with clusters at the top, middle and bottom of both hierarchies, pointing out that accent might influence success.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.titleThe Art of Acting in Accents
dc.type.contentBachelor Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsAccent, succes, film, foreign-accented English, English, Dutch, actors, English-language film, native-like
dc.subject.courseuuLiberal Arts and Sciences

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