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dc.contributor.advisorLonden, M. van
dc.contributor.authorMiddelkamp, J.A.
dc.description.abstractThe health promotion intervention WIJ(k) Lekker Fit, which is started as a part of the program Raalte Gezond, seeks to connect youth and elderly. Stimulating these connections is necessary because non-familial intergenerational relationships are often not made. These connections are important because knowing each other and having a friendly and social environment at the neighbourhoodincrease health. This connection can be made through volunteering and health promotion activities. In this study the vision of the young and elderly on health, the reasons / obstacles to undertake voluntary work, and the vision to undertake activities with the other group is examined through surveys and focus groups. Interestingly, the same form of surveys have been usedin this study on groups of young and groups of elderly people. This makes it possible to compare the two groups with each other. This study showed that even though some youths and some ederly do not feel the need to connect with each other plenty ideas and possibilities for connecting these groups are discovered. This offers prospects for the project WIJ(k) Lekker Fit to make this connection between youth and elderly
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.titleWIJ(k) Lekker Fit: jongeren en ouderen verbinden
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsWIJ(k) Lekker Fit, intergenerational relationships, health promotion activities, volunteering
dc.subject.courseuuMaatschappelijke Opvoedingsvraagstukken

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