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dc.contributor.advisorZantkuijl, N.T.C.
dc.contributor.advisorSchotting, R.J.
dc.contributor.authorMiranda, J.L. de
dc.description.abstractThis study investigated the possibility of initiating a quick scan ‘Groundwater ENvironmental Impact Analysis Tool’, further referred to as GENIAT. The proposed GENIAT must be able to compare the quantitative impacts on the Dutch environment resulting from present and possible future groundwater extractions by means of a sustainability scoring system. A valid framework to setup the GENIAT is examined. The quantitative modelling in the GENIAT requires a system analysis based on a synopsis of the affected environment with in addition an impact forecast. The system analysis is based upon findings in literature and are conceptualized. The impact forecast is also based on literature and is incorporated in GENIAT in a scientific manner and in consensus with preconditions set by Oasen N.V. In addition, a sustainability guideline is proposed which is used as baseline for a scoring system. The GENIAT is validated by means of model tests, expert judgement, a sensitivity analysis and a case study for the location Kamerik, at Woerden. In the case study, a groundwater extraction is modelled with a certain location, pumping rate and well screen depth in an existing surrounding. Environmental impacts resulting from extraction activities are quantitatively determined and ultimately, results are classified as sustainable or unsustainable based on the proposed guideline. The sensitivity analysis shows that the forecasted geo-hydrological correlation in GENIAT coincide with expectation. Results from the case study indicate that is it possible to use geo-hydrological data from e.g. TRIWACO as baseline for the environmental synopsis. In addition, it is shown that a simplified manner to estimate lowering of the piezometric surface may be useful in some cases.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.titleForecasting the impact of groundwater extraction on the Dutch environment
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsGENIAT, Water Sustainability Diagram, drinking water cycle, groundwater extraction, sustainability, environmental impact assessment, quantative impact analysis, scoring system, modelling
dc.subject.courseuuWater Science and Management

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