dc.description.abstract | Hospital Information Systems are complex systems and many implementations are found to fail due to technical, organizational, or individual factors. Success of IT implementation is difficult to define, and clearly depends on the setting, context, and the stakeholders. However success from a users’ perspective can be seen as the perceived benefits of a system. This study tries to predict the success of a HIS implementation in an academic hospital context from the users’ perspective in a mixed method research design. A conceptual evaluation model of HIS implementation success was developed based on the IS success model by Delone and Mclean and the model by De Waal and Batenburg. The developed model subsequently relates service quality factors during implementation (i.e. use participation, training and IT service quality), psychological ownership, user satisfaction and perceived benefits shortly after the HIS implementation. These relations were tested by survey data collected from 375 end-users. The results of the regression analysis showed that (1) participation is a key predictor of psychological ownership, (2) service quality factors are predictors of system and information quality, (3) psychological ownership, system quality and information quality are determinants for user satisfaction (measured as compatibility) and intention to user. Finally user satisfaction and intention are predictors of the perceived benefit. An interesting result from the full model analysis is that psychological ownership is also a driver of the perceived benefit. This shows the importance of user participation and creating a high feeling of involvement by users for a more likelihood of a successful implementation. These results were verified and mentioned also by participants of the focus groups. This study can contribute to the health IT research by proposing a valid model to evaluate a HIS from a users’ perspective and providing best practices for managers implementing a HIS. | |