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dc.contributor.advisorPeeters, MCW
dc.contributor.authorBrombacher, A.M.
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between work-life balance crafting and work engagement as well as life satisfaction, with work-life balance as mediator. Due the increase of dual-earner couples in the society, this study also focuses on crossover between partners. In total 55 German dual-earner couples participated in this study (55 women, 55 men). The results of the study showed, that work-life balance crafting is related to life satisfaction. The work-life balance was mediating this relation. Work-life balance crafting was not related to work engagement. Moreover, there is a crossover for life satisfaction and work engagement, but not for work-life balance crafting. It can be concluded that work-life balance crafting does increase one’s life satisfaction and that there is a relation between life satisfaction and work engagement indicating that spillover might occur between the work domain and the general life domain. Another conclusion is, that one’s life satisfaction and work engagement is related with his/her partner’s life satisfaction and work engagement.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.titleThe relation between work The relation between workThe relation between workThe relation between workThe relation between workThe relation between workThe relation between work The relation between workThe relation between workThe relation between workThe relation between work The relation between workThe relation between work The relation between workThe relation between workThe relation between workThe relation between workThe relation between workThe relation between workThe relation between work-life balance crafting, work life balance crafting, work life balance crafting, work life balance crafting, work life balance crafting, work life balance crafting, work life balance crafting, work life balance crafting, work life balance crafting, work life balance crafting, work life balance crafting, work life balance crafting, work life balance crafting, work life balance crafting, work life balance crafting, work engagement and life satisfaction of dualengagement and life satisfaction of dualengagement and life satisfaction of dualengagement and life satisfaction of dual engagement and life satisfaction of dualengagement and life satisfaction of dualengagement and life satisfaction of dualengagement and life satisfaction of dualengagement and life satisfaction of dualengagement and life satisfaction of dual engagement and life satisfaction of dualengagement and life satisfaction of dual engagement and life satisfaction of dual engagement and life satisfaction of dual engagement and life satisfaction of dual engagement and life satisfaction of dualengagement and life satisfaction of dual engagement and life satisfaction of dual engagement and life satisfaction of dualengagement and life satisfaction of dualengagement and life satisfaction of dual engagement and life satisfaction of dual engagement and life satisfaction of dualengagement and life satisfaction of dualengagement and life satisfaction of dual -earner couples.earner couples. earner couples.earner couples.earner couples.earner couples.earner couples. earner couples.earner couples.earner couples.earner couples.earner
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsWork-life balance crafting; crossover; spillover; dual-earner couples; life satisfaction; work-life balance
dc.subject.courseuuArbeids- en organisatiepsychologie

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