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dc.contributor.advisorSchut, H.
dc.contributor.advisorVollema, M.
dc.contributor.authorRoekel, G.M. van
dc.description.abstractBorderline personality disorder (BPD) is associated with disturbances in neuropsychological functioning, especially in the field of memory. However, despite several studies, there is still uncertainty about the link between BPD and verbal memory. The resent report focuses on the relationship of BPD with the underlying mechanisms of verbal memory: learning strategy and intrusions. This is of clinical importance given the treatments for borderline personality disorder typically contains verbal activities. Previous research found that the link between BPD and verbal memory was only visible when looking at dimensional level instead of the usual categorical. A sample of 82 filled out the Verbal Learning en Memory Test (VLGT). Analysis of Variance was conducted to test whether there were differences in learning strategy and perseverations between participants with BPD and a control group. Contrary to expectations, no differences were found between groups and on dimensional BPS levels. Recommendations for further research are to focus on the relation between disturbances in the limbic system and verbal memory in BPD, and to take the role of traumatization as mediator into account.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.titleBorderline Persoonlijkheidsstoornis en Verbaal Geheugen: Perseveratie als Verstorende Factor en Leerstrategie
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsVerbal memory ∙ Borderline personality disorder ∙ VLGT ∙ BPS dimensions
dc.subject.courseuuKlinische en Gezondheidspsychologie

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