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dc.contributor.advisorLindert, Paul H. C. M. van
dc.contributor.authorConstanti, P.
dc.description.abstractDuring the last decades, emerging countries face increase of urban renewal and city development projects. Part of this, is the densely populated India with its multi-million cities and the constant growth of social inequalities and urban poverty. In order to counter this image of poor infrastructure provision, the Government of India, through the last decade, voted for several urban strategic planning policies to be implemented in some of the most emergent cities. In the State of Gujarat, among these initiatives was also the redevelopment of the banks of Sabarmati. The Sabarmati Riverfront Development Project was initiated by Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation in 1998 with the initial vision of improving the transportation system, build housing for the urban poor, clean the river and create public spaces. However, the project shifted into a discriminatory development project, causing the eviction of more than 20.000 people to the outskirts of the city. This project focuses on examining the impacts of the project regarding access to water and sanitation facilities in the remaining riverfront slums as well as the resettlement areas and it aims to give recommendations for improvement of the conditions. However, it is equally essential to comprehend the different relevant dynamics surrounding the topic so as to fully understand it: observing and understanding the socio-economic status of the people, linking the water and sanitation rights with other rights to public services and assessing the role of the local government, NGOs and the people.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.format.extent159059493 bytes
dc.titleDevelopment For Whom? Sabarmati Riverfront Development Project and Slum Resettlement: The Impacts on Access and Utilization of Water and Sanitation Facilities in the Riverfront Slums and Resettlement Areas of Ahmedabad
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsurbanization, urban development project, urban poor displacement, water and sanitation, inclusion matters, access to public services
dc.subject.courseuuInternational Development Studies

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