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dc.contributor.advisorKuller, Dr. W.I.
dc.contributor.authorWieggers, T.J.
dc.description.abstractIn this study it has been examined whether it is possibele to to visualize intrauterine growth in the pig by transabdominal ultrasound using parameters known from other species and human medicine. This has shown that all investigated parameters, namely heart diameter, BPD (biparietal diameter), femur length, humerus length, thorax height and orbit diameter are useful for this purpose. Of these six parameters the humerus length is the most reliable and easiest to determine. The humerus length is in terms of growth pattern and length similar to the femur length and these can be replaced by each other at the time when one of these two is not properly brought into view, or at the time that the speed of the scanning proces has to be increased.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.titleFoetale groei in het varken in beeld gebracht via seriële, transabdominale echografie
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordspig, transabdominal, ultrasound, BPD, biparietal, femur, humerus, thorax, orbit, intrauterine, growth
dc.subject.courseuuGezondheidszorg landbouwhuisdieren en vet. volksgezondheid

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