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dc.contributor.advisorRejaan, Z.
dc.contributor.advisorValk, I. van der
dc.contributor.authorHuijbers, M.W.P.
dc.contributor.authorOoijen, L. van
dc.description.abstractIn 2019, 34.000 divorces occurred in the Netherlands, after which 40% of the minor children involved, grew up with a stepparent. Adolescents who grow up in divorced families and stepfamilies appear to experience a lower sense of family belonging compared to those with intact families. The aim of this study is to examine whether living with a stepparent predicted adolescents’ perceptions of family belonging and the role of the quality of the parent-child relationship in this association. For this study, cross-sectional data were used from the first wave of the ongoing longitudinal study “Where Do I Belong?”. The sample consists of 188 adolescents from divorced families, aged 11 to 19. A stepwise multiple regression analysis was used to first examine if a live-in stepparent is a predictor for adolescents’ sense of family belonging. Next, if the quality of the parent-child relationship is a predictor. And finally, if there is an interaction effect. Analyses showed that for both parents' families, a live-in stepparent was a significant predictor, yet that the quality of the parent-child relationship seemed to be a more important predictor. The interaction effect was significant within the mother's family only. This research contributes to the knowledge of problems of divorced- and stepfamilies, which is required to improve expertise for better information and support for those families and to improve the overall well-being and development of children after parental divorce.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.titleDe relatie tussen het thuisgevoel van jongeren uit gescheiden gezinnen, de aanwezigheid van een inwonende stiefouder en de kwaliteit van de ouder-kind relatie
dc.type.contentBachelor Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsDivorce; stepparents; family belonging; adolescents; quality of parent-child relationship.
dc.subject.courseuuPedagogische Wetenschappen

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