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dc.contributor.advisorWildschut, E.M.M.
dc.contributor.authorCoggiola, M.G.
dc.description.abstractWhat I am going to investigate in this paper is the enlargement of the corporeal body into the dancing body in the contemporary dance. My assumption became that the individual subject in its personhood might be the base-material for the construction of movement behaviour. This last stance geared me to seek my answers not directly in the specific field of dance and performing arts but rather in the cultural studies, psychology and social anthropology fields. From this perspective, if the socio-cultural environment is the participant in the process of subjectivation and identification of the individual and its body, this socio-cultural environment will be simultaneously enticing the physical manifestations of individual’s corporeality. Therefore, both subjectivity and identity of the individual become the principal producers dance discourse and potentially producers of a dance system.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.format.extent648080 bytes
dc.titleSubjectivities and Identities in Contemporary Dance -Cultural studies perspective-
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordscontemporary dance, cultural body
dc.subject.keywordsdancing body
dc.subject.keywordsbody as corporeal subject
dc.subject.keywordsdance language
dc.subject.keywordsdance system
dc.subject.keywordsdance subjectivity, dance identity, location of the subject's body, transculturation, diasporic
dc.subject.courseuuTheaterwetenschap (Theatre Studies)

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