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dc.contributor.advisorRos, W.J.G
dc.contributor.authorLangen, L.A.
dc.description.abstractBackground To improve coordination and care continuity the UMC-Utrecht worked with care pathways for breast cancer patients. However, nobody monitored whether this care pathway was followed properly and forestall gaps in the care pathway. Therefore, the hospital started a pilot study in May 2011 introducing the task of Permanent Point of Contact (PPC). This PPC had two subtasks: provide a clear point of contact for the patient and guard the care pathway progress. Objectives To evaluate the PPC task in the care pathway for breast cancer patients.The study thereby provides opportunities for refining and improving the task. Ultimately, working with a PPC aims to improve care continuity for cancer patients and to thereby improve cancer care. Method A formative evaluation with a mixed method design has been conducted. The quantitative part, based on a log file where the PPC recorded their activities, explores professional adherence with respect to the two tasks of the PPC. The qualitative part, based on phenomenology, consisted of semi-structured interviews with PPCs and HCWs to examine their experiences regarding the task PPC. Results The PPCs had contact with 70% of all patients. Following on a contact, the PPCs performed 98 actions. 74% of the actions had a logistical character. The PPCs guarded 99% of patients’ individual progress in the care pathway. In 40% of all cases, it turned out that one or more omissions had occurred in the care pathway progress. Average time spent per patient is 76 minutes. The PPCs and HCWs feel positive about the introduction of a PPC. Conclusions The PPCs performed the task in most parts as predetermined and PPCs and HCWs feel positive about the task. The study shows that there is a need to extend the task with the possibility to answer care related questions. The possibilities for this extension need further investigation. Further research on the effect of the task on care continuity is recommended.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.format.extent375149 bytes
dc.format.extent17574 bytes
dc.format.extent15698 bytes
dc.titleThe task 'Permanent Point of Contact'in the care pathway of breast cancer patients
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywords‘key contact person’, guarding care pathway, continuity

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