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dc.contributor.advisorBaerveldt, C.
dc.contributor.advisorWinter, M. de
dc.contributor.authorBerg, R. van den
dc.description.abstractThe improvement of parental involvement in primary education was studied in seven projects in seven districts of Uganda. The projects were compared by using a changing behaviour model as framework. All the projects were paying attention to every changing behaviour factor of the model. To what extend varied within and between projects. In general positive results seemed to be related to the projects’ activities. Teaching the parents skills seemed to be important for reducing some of the barriers parents experienced. However, there were too many barriers and too little resources to deal with those barriers in the projects. Parents were not fully being enabled to be involved in education. The project activities were evaluated on the level of attention paid to the changing behaviour factors. This way it was predicted which projects were most likely to succeed, namely the projects teaching practical skills to parents, like literacy or agriculture skills. Through this study success factors were identified in the project, which can contribute to further improvement of parental involvement in primary education of Uganda.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.format.extent765189 bytes
dc.titleImproving involvement of parents in primary education in Uganda
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsParental involvement
dc.subject.keywordsprimary education
dc.subject.keywordsASE model
dc.subject.courseuuMaatschappelijke Opvoedingsvraagstukken

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